So I picked up new to me longbow, primarily to be used as an exercise bow. (Thanks "Joe Heavy Longbow Shooter")
The bow is 68", 90#@28. The construction looks to be 3 maple lams under brown glass. I think the Riser is Bubinga.
Anyway, the photo below shows the only markings on the bow.
Anyone recognize anything identifiable from the image that would help identify the bowyer? Just curious.
I did a couple internet searches and think this may be a Martin longbow based on the "ML-10". But not sure.
My plan is to craft a shelf plate and leather grip (currently missing both) for the bow using a tanned deer hide I got from Wissler last week and see how she shoots. Still the primary purpose will be to use this bow to prepare for my NM bow that should be here early next month!
Thanks in advance.