I am mostly a "backquiver" man but... I have had a 5 arrow, rawhide, slide-on, Selway "Stick-Quiver" on my 1967 Grizzly for about 5 years now. It's light, quiet, and VERY secure, if you put it on the way fellow TradGanger Joe Skipp taught me to!!!
Take a cup of hot water, add a good squirt of liquid dish detergent, (I used "Dawn") mix it well, then soap up the limbs. Slide the mounting rubbers down past the fade-outs, and rinse the remaining soap off with a warm wet washcloth, and dry. (I'm alittle "anal" I actualy measured from the rubbers,to the upper and lower limb tips, to make sure I had it perfectly "centered". I believe it's about 18") Do not put any arrows in it right away, just hang it horizontal overnight. The next day it will practicaly be "glued" in place, and will never vibrate loose.
Btw, This bow is actualy my primary hunting bow!!!!!