In my learning days, around 40 yrs. ago, of such as arrow spines for wooden shafts, we pretty much figured the spine weight for use with 125 gr. points. Then we would play with point weights to weaken spine if necessary. Men for the greater part shot a minimum of 125 gr. Common field tips/blunts/broadhead weights at that time were 125/145/160 gr. Of course one could find others but these were the norm. The common denominator for spine to a bow was + 5 lbs. for a bow with a shelf and - 5 lbs. for shooting off the hand. Like people say, every bow and every shooter differ. I always had better luck with +5-10 lb. Keeping your hand to your face when you shoot make a lot of different spines shoot better I learned.
We used to play the weight and FOC game some by using a stiffer spine and then use a heavier point, mainly we were thinking about the total weight gain, not FOC. I guess when I tapered my shafts I was kinda doing some FOC but never thought about it. Tapered shafts were supposed to clear the bow better but.......
So there ya go, just my tad bit of info., Ralph