I have Wesley Specials, Cheetahs, and a Big Five, ranging from 40# to 65# and like them all. For me, they all draw smoothly and are comfortable to shoot. Some have the straight grip and some have the dished grip, and all of them work well for me. I like 68" length even though my draw is slightly less than 28". Both the juniper and bamboo suit me nicely. Unfortunately, I don't have any experience with the Redman or the Half-Breed yet but have heard only good things about them. I have only shot a Tembo a few times and found it to be every bit as smooth as some of the other guys have stated on this thread. If you can, shoot several different specimens, and choose whatever "reaches out and grabs you".
I am certainly no expert, but I believe that, if you like this style of bow, any Hill you choose will serve you quite well - pick your spot and the bow will put it there. Good luck. This will be an enjoyable quest.