John havard is right. So is Bob. Bob or I would tweak the preload slightly because we can, but the truth is, the difference between 27 and 28 is so small as to be almost a non-issue. A quality, good performing bow at 28" is still going to be so at 27". Go down to 26" and the difference may be enough to start thinking about a preload adjustable bow. In the big picture, if I had a 27" draw, this concern would be pretty far down on my priority list. I would:
a. Find a good quality bow that I liked
b. choose the longest length that would work
for me.
c. choose a draw weight I can handle without
etc, somewhere down around f or g would be "make sure the preload on the limbs matches my draw length"
Country Girl, What's even cooler is that we're all friends, and we all want the same thing. To see our customers get a bow that works for them, even if it is somebody elses.