There where several birds hit, some harder then others, some repositioned in the air by a foot or more but they all left us without a glance back........except two!!
On two differant flushes after all our arrows missed their mark the roosters landed in the trees next to the field and some tried to take advantage of the opportunity. The first one was hit a couple times and as they waited for him to fall he simply recovered from the direct hits and flew off
The chase was on, he was on the ground now and headed back out to the edge of the field where another member of our party got a shot and hit it in the leg.......then it flew again!!
Tough Ol Bird :eek:
We chsed after it but couldnt find him.
We rejoined the group and realized that one of the dogs was over where the bird went back down.
They found the dog in a hole under a tree where the bird had hid.
So Im holding this bird but there where others that need credit for this bird as well!!!
Here is one of the dogs on point!!Always a pretty sight!
And the last pic is of a very anxious group awaiting for a flush (Jeremy in the back ground at full draw.....he said that every second counts!
Thanks for looking.......we had a blast and learned a lot