"Lost Creek Bows" has decided to have a special sale on two of their current models-The "Judge" and the "Life Ender", sale price will be- $470.00 TYD. Chad will be using several choices of Action-Wood Risers - Camo, Charcoal Black, Walnut Brown w/your choice of Clear, Black or Brown glass. There will be three limb or core woods available to choose from - Red Elm, Black Walnut or Maple. These woods are not only "Natural Hardwoods" found in the "USA", but are also several of the most resilient and dense woods that are readily available at a reasonable price.
This sale ends March.25,2012. :eek: So, if you're looking for a "new addition" one that is known for its performance, simple beauty, and that has a "Bowyer" that tries to give each buyer exactly what they are looking for,(including personal contact during the duration of your bows construction), then a "Lost Creek Bow" may be exactly what you've been searching for!!! Please either email through
www.lostcreekbows.com or
[email protected] or you may feel free to call (641)295-4297 / (641)660-1070 and speak to Chad or leave a message w/Susan and Chad will return your call ASAP.