Just contacted Oliverstacy for some strings, thanks for the info.
I can't wait till next season. I had one deer last year that was in bow range and all I kept thinking was "I wish I had a bow" I let him walk cause he was a little 3 point, kinda hard to justify 3x9x40 scoped 243 for a shot under your stand. I know it doesn't matter meats meat but I just let him walk.
But by the time you take the time to set up you shot with a bow on any deer you've put forth effort to be where they'll be within 20 yards. That's 60 ft. Hundreds of shots, tuning practice for 60ft.
Rifle you've got 600ft easy. Draw a 60 ft circle and a 600ft circle
near 2800 sq ft, the size of a large house, to near 280000 sq ft, the size of convention center.
That's what I like about archery.
Having said that got skunked two years in a row rifle hunting, better start scouting now!