I'll direct this question to Craig at Howard Hill Archery, but thought I'd get some input from you fellows here, as well. I took a Hill Cheetah on a hog hunt this past weekend. I ended up hunting for several hours in a drenching downpour.
Once the rain started, I noticed little cloudy, waxy-like dots on the bow. At first, I thought something had dripped on the bow, and I scraped one off with my fingernail. It didn't take much effort, almost like scraping off a bit of dried blood. I quickly realized that it was the finish that was coming off, or at least the top coat.
It didn't take long for the entire bow to develop that cloudy appearance. I don't know if this bow has a finish applied over the factory finish, or not, but one thing is for sure, it needs a waterproof coating of some sort.
Has anyone else experienced the same thing?