Using a pipe cutter or tubing cutter as shown above and getting good consistent cuts that do not flare the shafts inwards is tricky. you'll find that out trying to put your inserts in...cutting tubing without some kind of a flaring tool, and practice can be exasperating.
i wouldn't recommend it myself. there are many types of metal cut-off wheels you can buy to go on a small grinder, or even adapt to a power drill, or a dremel tool that works MUCH better.Of course the best set up is a cut off saw designed for cutting arrows....After they are cut, I use a very fine chainsaw file to work the inside diameter, or they make metal reams that are design just for that. take a care here bro .......those arrows are spendy....I'd do some practice cutting on some old shafts and get it down first, what ever you do.....Kirk