I have been messing with this for a while. I got into bareshafting and had a Centaur Carbon Elite that spoiled me. It would bareshaft "darts" at 30+ yards.
I've been messing with others and got some new shafts. Since switching to carbons it has become more difficult to "trim" than my aluminums. I sent an email off to Stu Miller about spine calculations. I need to get some 340's tuned to an ACS. Basically Stu told me that a 25 grain change in point weight on my carbon 340's is equivalent to 1" arrow length change (adding weight effectively reduces spine). I got a set of "tuning points", figured a way to use them so I didn't need to glue in the inserts and it seems to work. This is for bareshaft testing. Some well mounted feathers I'm sure can overcome some decent variances in point weight but, I've been looking to get what Stu recommends with bare shafts, then with feathers, the flight will be sweet.
Since adding the feathers increases arrow "spine" he recommends tuning to slightly weak. I have a question in for him now since he indicated that the feather weight is the key factor. If it is just the weight, I am thinking about adding some tape to the rear of the arrow equal to the weight of the feathers. That way, I can tune for a "straight in" arrow, take off the tape, put on the feathers and theoretically it should work.
BTW (I'm sure lots of guys use this but, I never read about it) for tuning now, I screw my point into my insert, slide it into the arrow, put a wrap of electricians tape (or whatever is closest) around the shaft and point/insert and I can now try different test weights to get a ballpark idea of where I need to go with the arrow length.
Another kicker is where the riser is cut. My ACS is 3/16" past center (makes it want stiffer spined arrows) so to get 340's without going too short, I had to shim it to just about center (did this once with an ILF riser, a piece of an old belt measured .140" or just a bit less than 3/16). This turned a bow that wanted a 28" 340 with my 125 gr tip into a bow that is now happy with a 30" arrow and I won't have a broadhead "caressing" my bow hand.
Longwinded. Hope it helps someone.