It hit the market in January, but I wanted to do some shooting and get some feedback before offering it to the public. I really like it, and have gotten a lot of good feedback. There's one review on the Product Review forum.
8190 is BCY's newest offering. It's the strongest and most durable 100% Dyneema material on the market today.
To get an idea...original Fast Flight was made from SK65 Dyneema. Dynaflight '97 and 8125G are SK75 Dyneema. Dynaflight '10 was SK78 Dyneema.
8190 is SK90 Dyneema--a higher grade with less stretch, less creep, and higher durability than it's predecessors. BCY advertises it as "the toughest bowstring material ever made". It incorporates GORE fiber in the material as a built-in lubricant.
The 8190 is a VERY small strand--about 1/2 the size of Dynaflight '97, about 2/3 the size of 8125; i.e. 18 strands of 8125 is the same diameter as 24 strands of 8190.
A couple of things I really like about this stuff is if you like a small diameter string, you can get it without having to go with a minimal strand count. 12 strands is a TINY string--about the size of a 6 strand Dynaflight '97 or 8 strands of 8125.
BCY recommends 24-26 strands (similar in diameter to 12 or 13 strands of Dynaflight '97). I'd say don't go with less than 14-16 unless it's a very light draw weight--believe me, that is still a very small diameter string.
I'm starting out with a modest 8 colors: Black, Brown, Light Brown, Bronze, Mountain Berry, Red, Yellow, and Green. I'll add more later if their is a call for it--or, if someone wants a specific color, an order of two or more strings will get that color added to the list (allow additional time for it to get here--about a week).
As with any of the other materials I carry, flemish strings will have the loops padded, and I'll offer both flemish and endless in this new material. Also, as with any of the string I make, if you aren't happy with it for any reason just let me know. I'll replace it or refund your money--whichever makes you happy.
It's not on my website yet. The price will be the same as Dynaflight '97 or 8125, at least for now--I haven't figured up the cost difference per spool/string yet.
Orders can be placed by phone or, preferably, by e-mail--just use the order form on my site as a guide for the information I'll need. I hope to have my site updated (overhauled) in the near future.
If you have any questions about 8190, just ask.