Very similar to the posts here although it has taken me two years to figure it out.
I tend to be very impressed with new bows. Maybe it is because I just spent a wad of money or traded some good stuff and I want it to shoot well? Then after a time, just as was noted above, I find the bow might not "out shoot" all the other stuff like I thought.
Two reactions:
1. This is one reason why I like to objectively evaluate my bows, limbs etc. with a chronoy, same bowstrings, silencers, and two weights of arrows.
2. I have discovered that I can evaluate a bow much better at 30 yards than 13. (Duh) Issues that are unnoticed at close range are magnified at longer distances. Now I've decided not to trust my close-range judgement until I have put the bow through some paces at 30 yards. By the way, almost all the "issues" that I refer to have to do with the grip and my bow hand set and as that relates to my head alignment behind the bowstring.