OK all, I am confused again.
To see how short I was on the string, so I can adjust next time. I stuck it on a nail and measured. just shy of 60". HMMM, I wonder what the string I have on the bow is. just shy of 60"
OK so I brace it with the string I made. 9" brace height. Too much. I unstrung and restrung with the string that came with the bow. Brace is at 7.5"
So I measured the two strings again, just to make sure. They are within a 1/4" of each other.
How is this possible. My 1st thought is it has something to do with the new string needing to stretch, but it was brace on my 60" curve the entire day yesterday, granted it is too long for that bow, but it was under tension.
both string B-50
What gives?