This is a thread to try to find some information about starting an annual trad only hunt. I'm from the lowcountry of South Carolina. I want to try and start an annual trad only hunt on one of the many plantations that are around here. I want it to be somewhat like the hunts I see on the forum that people go to year after year. However I don't know anything about the hunts that are posted on. I know several plantation managers that I can approach. These people bowhunt but with modern bows!. What I'm trying to find out is how to approach these plantation owners and managers to "sponsor" a trad only hunt. I'm looking for info such as: do hunters pay a fee? What are you guys looking for in a hunt. I want this hunt to be camping only(maybe tent only??) no guides. Just getting back to basics. I'm not looking to make any money myself. What I'm looking for is other trad hunters to be able to share a camp with. I love camping and none of my friends shoot trad. No trophy hunting but just hunting deer and hogs. I do not know what is invloved with a hunt like this. Do you guys pay for hunts that are posted on here? Do you sign a waiver for injuries.? I'm just looking for some info to start off with to start approaching these plantation owners. I feel I have a good shot at it, if I go about it the right way.
Thanks for any info that you may give me. PM me if you want to.
Thanks, Charlie