Neither. At least in my book. I got a chance to match up my Toelke Whip against a Sasquatch longbow made by Kirk of Bigfoot bows the other day. The specs on my Toelke can be seen below, and the Sasquatch was a 3 piece, 60" bow, which was marked 55 lbs @ 28". Both bows have good reputations and for good reason, they shoot lights out!(when I do my part that is...)
The biggest thing which stood out to me about the Sasquatch was the grip. I have had my Whip since I was 15 and the grip is a little small for me these days. So when I picked up the Sasquatch it was love at first sight. The grip was better than on any other bow I have shot! In fact, the grip was so good, I very nearly asked Elkchaser(who owns the Sasquatch) to trade me on the spot.
Now to performance, I am first and foremost a hunter, and silence is golden. After playing around with brace height on the Sasquatch I settled on a brace that was close to 8"(I just eyeball this sort of thing)
. Both bows were sporting fast flight strings, but the Squatch had two yarn puffs which were much farther toward the center of the string than I would like. My Whip has two cat whisker type silencers which are 9" from the respective tips on the bow. The Squatch was pretty darn quiet, but my Toelke blew it away in that respect. **Before people bother to ask, I was shooting ~740 grain arrows**(To be fair though, I think the Squatch could be quieted considerably with a different string)
As for accuracy and power, both bows were neck and neck. The Sasquatch and Whip both launch a heavy arrow with authority, shooting the two bows had me going into fits of giggles
Both bows are extremely accurate in the hands of a good archer. I was having slight issues with target panic but once I got over that it was a wonderful day for shooting. I also noticed that out to 17 yards(my backyard is half an acre smaller than I would like) both bows shot to the same point of impact. If there was any way for me to obtain the Sasquatch and keep my Whip I would do so in a heart beat.
However, I believe my Whip earned a permanent residence in my bow collection on Easter Sunday. I rolled my Suburban going 75 on the way back to school. The vehicle rolled three times and unfortunately my bow was in the back seat, protected by no more than a soft case. I walked away from the accident with no broken bones and a couple stitches(God is good to me). I fully expected my bow to be firewood after a crash like that, but the Toelke made it through without a single scratch! There is no way I am ever going to get rid of that bow now!