You will get a broad range of suggestions based on individual's experience.
I worked at a local large retail archery place...they used the brown hot melt sticks.
What blew me away, was they NEVER cleaned shafts...we didn't have time...folks were stacked up like chord wood so we'd cut them, tap out the dust and warm the insert in a flame w/ pliars and then dip in hot melt and shove in shafts, twist, wipe off excess around lip and pu tin points! Done.
Best part was in 2+ yrs working there, many would take and shoot them RIGHT THERE on the range in 10-15 min of us doing them... the backstop on the range was compressed masonite! Dangest hard to pull arrows backstop I know!
Only ever heard of 2 pull outs of inserts..
I tend to clean mine with a q-tip and alcohol, but none of the sanding or scoring of some.
Each to his own... not the hot glue gun clear sticks, but the brown ones in archery supply places like Tim at Braveheart and others here.