figured i would wake up to a cold rain this mornning..but it was clear and nice.
So i got ready and headed out, 20 minutes later im walking down the trail leading to the area ive been hunting this spring and last spring for the every elusive stick and string strutter.
I have had several close encounters in this area, just not able to draw on one of them until this mornning.
Im in before sun up but its plenty light out,i hear one gobble then two and then a triple, i asume that there is more than one bird, maybe some jakes.
i set my decoy out, i stuck it in a dead log to get her up higher, and get in to the blind that i built last spring and have been adding to every time i come out here.
Im sitting listening to the gobbles trying to figure wich derection they are coming from(my hearing aint to good)and my cheap wallyworld hearing aids are broken, so i stand up and pull my hood back and listen, yep over there!
i turned my video camera on and get some shots of my decoy and turn it off.
i'm sitting about 15-20 minutes when i see somthing about a hundred fifty yards away, (whats that)....there he is.
i turn on video camera and zoom out with my decoy in the picture, then he gobbles, sounds farther away than he is, (my ears?)
hes coming from straight ahead to the left a little( just out of frame) just down over the rise.
theres a big tree right in front of me and i follow him as far as i could without leaning to far out then straighten up to pick him back up on the other side of the tree, as i see him again, he stops...ah he sees my decoy.
his head was charcoal grey looking, and his wattles were faded red,...he starts to fluff up(in slow motion) his head starts to tuck back in to his feathers, his tail spreads and begins to rise, the colors change to the deep red and blues with a snow white cap, he's facing directly at me now at 8-9 steps, then he spitts, and then again.
now he starts to turn to his left, and his head is almost behind his tailfeathers, just a little more, now his head is behind his tail and i draw he takes one step forward, and i got a little opening in the brush ..... ..... good clean release....just to dang high....but i got about 30 ferthers for my hat.....what a rush!! just wish it would have turned out in my favor. oh well. thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings.