Indeed a sad day in the archery fraternity. John was one of the good guys. The Old Guard is really leaving us. I was fortunate to grow up around John, and I can remember him with one eye and a patch years ago, before the full loss of his vision. When he lost the second eye Jim Emerson kept him shooting and helped develop his sighting system. As many said, John sure had a sense of humor, he was a philosopher, and I think one would have to be to keep positive through the long, slow loss of vision that he knew eventually would make him totally blind. He would eat by the clock system on the plate - meat at 6-oclock, potatoes at 9-oclock etc. Jim Emerson used to reach across the table and turn John's plate 90 degrees, changing all the positions, John would go right along and never bat an eye. John sure was an ambassador for bowhunting and touched so many people over the years. He was my true one and only "bowhunting hero", though he would laugh at that, and I was fortunate enough to have John sponsor me for regular membership in the PBS. He was a true role model in so much he did both in and for bowhunting. John, we'll miss ya, buddy.