I had such a wonderful time at the Tenn. Classic this year...seeing friends from last year and making new ones...admiring the outstanding craftsmanship of some of the top primitive bowyers and knappers in the country. I guess I just didn't realize how radically affected I was until I mowed my yard today and had to stop several times to pick up treasures that used to slip by me unnoticed. I remember asking Kerry if we had much flint in Missouri...he chuckled a little and assured me that there was.
Here are a few finds I spotted from the riding mower today...I was so glad I had picked up a flint knapping starter kit while at the Classic. The hammerstone was by the pond and the flint was behind the garage. The arrowhead is my second...I just had to haft it onto a cane shaft with some sinew from a last year's deer. I'm hooked!
Thanks to all the great people who share their knowledge so willingly,
I got some dye on the head while I was staining the shaft, so I just stained the whole head.