I have to disagree with the 5-6 small meals per day recommendation. I've used it many times to gain weight but never lose. I always found that it made me hungrier, rather than less. I think this is due to the fact that it keeps your blood sugar constantly high. The food industry wants to promote keeping constant blood sugar levels as healthy, but they fail to tell you in the long term it promotes diabetes. Also, its takes to much preparation and time, which everyone seems to limited with since they can't get out for a 30 minute walk. One can always say just use a protein shake or protein bar for a quick snack, but these just provide extra calories for someone that does not need them. Plus, thats extra money spent on something not needed, and they are expensive at that.
I think 2-3 meals per day is more than sufficient to fuel most peoples activities. Obviously, if you are overweight you aren't that active to begin with since your food intake is trumping your caloric burn. Base a simple eating plan on lean proteins, healthy fats, plenty of veggies and berries, and limited amounts of carbs.
Something simple like this wiould fit the bill for most everyone.
2-3 eggs
4-6oz of lean meat
Coffee with half and half with a teaspoon of coconut oil.
1-2 cups of cottage cheese w/ blue or black berries
handful of almonds
Chicken, Beef, Wildgame or Fish
1-2 serving of cooked veggies
large salad
**baked potato, rice, or oats if one has lifted weights hard**
1 Tablespoon of Cod liver oil
Do the above and simply get out and walk as soon as you get home from work for 30-45 minutes and it will amaze you.