Sorry my friends for my absence.
Let's see, work has been good for the most part but much of my free time has been either doing things with my family or the church youth.
Can't believe how much I've missed in just a few months while I pursue what God has called me to do but here I am looking around & WOW. That & with me helping my wife Becky & Erin do stuff with the Girl Scouts including getting ready for the Rock the Mall event.
Here lately I've started to get some time for myself but not completely, last Saturday I was archery instructor for the Heritage Day event in Remington, Va. & this Saturday I'll be giving a Basic Instructor course to a Christian Camp.
Haven't bought any new bows yet so I'm still shooting my ole Sky & my Zona as much as I can, I do wish though I didn't miss the STAR shoot.
What's going on with everyone?