I teach archery to kids once a month for my club.
The club provides Genesis bows, which is a type of compound bow that doesn't have a fixed draw length; it just reaches a certain poundage and then doesn't get any heavier. It's really the only type of compound bow that is practical for a group of kids. These bows are all in the 15-20# range.
I provide recurve bows that I have accumulated over the years for my grandkids and guests. PSE makes an inexpensive starter bow that works well for this purpose. The lowest poundage available is 15#, although I'm sure most of the kids don't pull it that far. The 15# bow is the most popular and is in constant use. I have another 25# PSE that is a little nicer, and some of the older kids, maybe 12 year-olds, can pull it. I have a 30# left-handed PSE that my wife uses sometimes, and hardly anybody can pull that. So the lefty's tend to go back to the Genesis compounds, whereas there is always high demand for the 15# recurve, particularly since "Hunger Games." Sometimes I have to remind people that the bows are for everyone to use, so nobody ends up hogging the 15# recurve.
I also have an old 40# classic Bear recurve that I bring along, which really shoots well. None of the kids can really pull it very well, but sometimes their parents participate and if they are able to handle it, some of them really like it.