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Author Topic: Hunters Point bear hunt veterans, tell me what I have to look forward to!  (Read 1130 times)

Offline koger

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Wife and I will be going to Eldons Sept. 15th, for the last week, he said bears should be more active then. What kind of bear numbers did you see, # of adults etc. We are both experienced deer hunters, both have taken elk. This is our first time bear hunting for us both, wanting to get an adult bear, not worried about a huge trophy. What list of things do we need to take, average hours spent on stand. Do they use both stands and blinds? All info and feedback appreciated, just about 10 weeks till we leave, so get us fired up!
samuel koger

Offline Bill Carlsen

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All of Eldon's stands are 16' and about 15 yards from the bait. You will always sit an unhunted active bait. Bring a thermacell, rubber boots, and clean fresh towels. All the cabins that the hunters use are not owned by Eldon and all of the owners supply linens and towels....but...they are all washed in perfumed detergent. So, bring your own towels that are scent free. Rain gear is optional. I won't hunt if it is raining hard enough to have to wear it. For the the last week it can be summer like or winter like so have layers with you. If you bring your own blind you can use it. Or you can build a natural blind.  He has several two man stands so that if you both want to sit together it can  be arranged. Size of bears range from very large to pretty small. If you have not hunted bears before you will be surprised at what ground shrinkage really it. If you see a bear that appears small it is tiny. If you see a bear that seems average he is small. A big bear is probably average and if you see a giant he may make 200# although several over 400#'s have been taken. If the bear is the size of the bait barrel it is considered a shooter. If you want a big bear he will appear longer and taller than the bait barrel and the last week he should be pretty plump, as well. You will also be hunting very close to the beginning of the moose rut so moose sightings are frequent. My wife had to stay in her stand one night until one of the guides came in to get her because a moose was tearing up the woods around her and she was not about to give him something to stomp. Some guys like to carry bear repellent as sows with cubs, while often not dangerous, can be unnerving on a dark trail. A good cell phone is handy if  you have a problem....there  is pretty good service up there. You can PM me if I've left anything out.

You will also need your own safety harness/equipment.
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Offline xroadshunter

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You will have a great time. Eldon and his guides work hard to put you on bears. Last year I saw a total of 10 bears missed one and lost my nerve when stalking one on the road on the way back to the truck wasn't sure on the size and didn't want to come between moma and cub. When it stood on it's hind legs to check me out I knew I had made the wrong decision. You sit from about 2:30 til dark. Have fun!

Offline koger

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Wife and I have been watching several bear hunting videos, and on youtube, to get used to judging the size of the animals. We had agreed that barrel high and long would be an adult/shooter. We hunt more from pop up and natural blinds her than treestands, would any of you suggest one over the other.
samuel koger

Offline ranger 3

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Like Xroadshunter has said you will have a great time. I will be there the week before you, the same week I hunted there last year. Bill has you very good advice good luck.
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Offline wisconsinteacher

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If the bear comes in relaxed take your time and let the bear get into the right spot.  In WI we can not use barrels for baiting so we put out 6' logs near the bait to compare the bear to.  We also have a stick in the ground that is 32" high to measure the height of the bear.  If it is 6' and 32" high it is over 200 pounds or bigger.  After the shot sit still and listen.  It may not moan but you might be able to hear some heavy breathing as it leaves the bait.  Take a lantern and hang it on a screw in step behind the person taking pictures of you and your bear.  Also, have some water to clean the bear up before pictures.  They are not easy to film but the lantern trick at night helps.  Have fun and good luck.

Offline Terry Lightle

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It will be a great time hunting with Eldon.He hunts the same way we do so that is how he sets up baits and stands or blinds.I only saw one bear,hunted maybe two hours and he came to the bait and was a shooter-bigger than the barrel.Other bears tried to come in but the one I shot kept running them off before I could see them.If I was doing another fall bear hunt it would be with Eldon Jandreau hands down and not consider any one else.
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Offline Bill Carlsen

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Koger: I took  a double Bull up a few years ago. Bears never came to the bait where I could shoot. Had one come to the back of the blind and sniff around it. He walked away unseen. Using a pop up blind is going to be difficult I believe but think it can be done. I've known guys that have had their blinds destroyed. So, how lucky do you feel?
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Offline buckeye_hunter

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Hunting bears from a blind would be highly interesting! Look for Fred Eichler's video on youtube where he hunts a bait from behind a ground blind. The first bear is taken with a compound, but the second (blonde phase) bear he shoots is with his recurve. The first bear gets VERY close and personal!!!!!

Offline PA stickbow boy

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I went last year on my first bear hunt for the first week and I saw one big sow with 2 cubs on the 3rd day. Never saw any other bears. It was a pretty slow week for me personally. Others saw more. I hunted morning and evenings the last couple days. After watching some videos of hunts from there and hearing all the stories about bear sightings, well I went with the expectation I'd at least get a shot opportunity in 6 days. But with hunting you dont always see animals. I had myself so hyped that I was pretty disappointed. Just saying remember it's "hunting" and sometimes you see, sometimes you don't.
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Offline Birdbow

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  I've hunted with Eldon the last 12 fall seasons and have taken 4 bears. Three were avg. size (120 -150 #) and 1 was @ 200#. Had opportunities almost every year but elected to pass on some. My wife and I (she likes to sit with me and video) like the last week of the season. Fall colors coming on, LOTS fewer bugs, and has been said, lots of opportunities to see moose then. I believe you really have to be careful of scent, noise, and movement in that last week as the whole region has had 3 weeks of hunter activity in the woods and bears can be more cautious in their approach. IMO there's not a finer, harder working guide than Eldon.
                      Best of luck and enjoy!
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Offline Bill Carlsen

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Koger: I probably won't be going this year due to family changes and responsibilities. My plan was to hunt from the ground. I would not bring my Double Bull but would build a ground blind with natural materials and wear my ghillie suit or my leafy suit depending on the temp. I would try to set up so that if the wind called for it I could use the blind or the stand. I think that, based on my experiences with Fall bears, that would be the best advise. The videos you see of hunters taking bears in the Spring is a whole different ball game. The animals are very different at those two times of the year. Spring bears are really hungry and opportunistic about food sources so  hunting methods can vary. The only bears that I know that have been killed from the ground have been by rifle hunters shooting at longer  distances or archers who just literally, got lucky and walked in on unsuspecting  bears already on the baits. Good luck.
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Offline Earl Jeff

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You will have a good time. Eldon runs a first class operation. Wish I could go this year. :(

Offline Biggie Hoffman

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I took my biggest bear with Eldon. 340lbs, 19&5/8"
Lots of bears and NO BUGS!
He's a lifelong bow hunter and knows what it takes.
He talks fast so you really have to listen.
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Offline dpg

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Eldon's a great guy to be around, beautiful north Maine woods, first class operation.  Wish I was going again.  Would be neat to have a "tradgang" week.  As far as number of bears it depends largely on weather and natural food abundance, but you won't find an outfitter who works harder than Eldon.

Offline Birdbow

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Hey Biggie, Eldon says he doesn't talk fast...everyone else just listens slow! Todd
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A simplification of means and an elevation of ends is the goal. Antoine de St.-Exupery

Offline Bill Carlsen

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If you like REALLY corny jokes....well, you will be right at home.
The best things in life....aren't things!

Online David Mitchell

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Like dpg said, the bears are definitely there but success depends a lot on the weather.  Last time I went was on the heels of hurricane Earl.  Dumped lots of rain on northern Maine and put the bears on lock-down.  the week before had been so hot guys were hunting in tee shirts and everybody and his uncle was into bears.  I will promise you that no outfitter will work harder for you than Eldon and his crew.  I have been five times.  My best bear went a bit over 300# on the hoof.  I've seen lots of bears there and Eldon has a huge area to hunt....can't beat Eldon.
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