The AMS retriever versus The 808 debate, Is much Like the What is Traditional threads. I have never had an AMS break, anyone can use them and there is almost no maintence. The 808 does break, You have to remember to push the button and you have to take care of them.
But........ I started shooting an 808 because I can Shoot, Retrieve, Shoot, Retrieve and sometimes shoot again in the time it takes to shoot and retrieve once with an AMS retriever. Now that might not sound like a big deal for most people but if you miss your first shot you got a much better chance of getting off a second shot!
I use the Shureshot Penetrators with Muzzy carp points. They are very similar to muzzys except it is easier to get fish off. My Friend Gregg shoots 4 prong Stingers and swears by them .
Good luck