I have recently split my Samick Spikeman 50 pounds recurve. I had it shooting quiet after bringing its brace height to wher it was quiet. But the it split... Now I am faced with the prospect of having to face selling my fishing kayak to buy another bow. I want to go for a bow that is at least $400. Not that it straight away garantees quality, but I am gullible as any one else. Well, non-sense aside, I do think that for that price I should get something decent. But the main question is this: should I go for a long bow or a recurve? The long bow that I have is incredibly quiet: A Ragim Wolf ( horrible hand shock though). Lovely smooth draw
and consistent shooting at 45 pounds. On the other hand, I am faced with being able to buy a one piece recurve that will take probably ages to make it sillent but that will shoot faster at 50 pounds. I'm thinking of 50 pounds recurve because it seems easier to draw and I want to hunt in Portugal if I go back to live there. Any thoughts guys?