From NYS Bowhunters Org.
The DEC has published that the following are done deals and will be implemented this year:
1. Open the south zone bow season on October 1st.
2. Open the north zone regular season on the 2nd Saturday after Columbus Day, which will expand the early bow season by one week only 30% of the time and remaining the same 7 out of 10 years.
3. Bow hunters can hunt during the late north zone muzzleloading season.
4. Bow and muzzleloader hunters can now use DMP's in the north zone.
5. Antler restrictions will be expanded in regions 3 & 4.
6. DEC will initiate their Deer Mgt. Focus program in the Ithaca area where hunters, using any legal implement (including crossbows), can take 2 antlerless deer per day from the 2nd Saturday in January through January 31st. If successful they will expand this program to other areas of the state.
*** The Columbus Day weekend youth firearms hunt is in the hands of the Governor. If he signs the bill it is dead, if he does not the DEC may very well implement this hunt this season. So get on the stick and let the Governor know that you support bill # A10583-A/S7705-A!!!!
More updates from NYSBowhunter Org.
Senate bill #S7705-A, introduced by Carl Marcellino and Assembly bill #A10583-A, introduced by Robert Sweeney, were passed by both houses and will be sent to Governor Cuomo for his signature in the very near future. Once signed by the Governor this legislation will do the following;
1. “the only junior hunter days for big game hunting that the DEC may authorize during archery seasons are junior archery days”, thus no firearms, bows only,
2. continues to allow for the use of crossbows only during the regular firearms seasons and during the late muzzleloader season in the southern zone,
3. continues to allow the physically challenged bow hunter to use adaptive equipment without the need to apply for a cumbersome permit,
4. under current law, crossbow hunters are exempt from prosecution for illegal activities and this bill rectifies this situation with language that places crossbow hunters on the same playing field as other hunters, thus crossbow hunters are now subject to prosecution for their illegal activities.
Please voice your support for bill #S7705-A and #A10583-A by contacting Governor Cuomo at the following;
1. e-mail:
[email protected] or thru web site at 2. phone: (518) 474-8390
3. write: The Honorable Governor Cuomo
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224
The DEC has just announced today (July 11th) plans to implement the following big game regulation changes for the 2012 hunting season;
1. The southern zone archery season will open annually on October 1st, which on average will add 13 days and one weekend of hunting opportunity,
2. The northern zone regular season will open on the 2nd Saturday after Columbus Day, which will expand the early archery season by one week in only 3 out of 10 years, while remaining the same 70% of the time,
3. Bowhunters and muzzleloaders can now use their antlerless deer management permits in the northern zone within wildlife management units (WMUs) designated by the DEC,
4. Bowhunters can now hunt during the late northern zone muzzleloading season,
5. The mandatory antler restriction program has been expanded in regions 3 and 4 to now include WMUs 3A,3C,3H, 3J,3K, 4G,4O,4P,4R, 4S and 4W. Hunters less than 17 years of age are exempt and bucks must have at least 3 points on at least one antler.
6. Begin a Deer Management Focus Area program.
This program is designed to allow for intensive management of over abundant deer populations in defined areas of the state. The DEC will initiate this program in a defined area in the Ithaca area of Tompkins County. This area will be open for the taking of antlerless deer only from the 2nd Saturday in January through January 31st by any legal implement, including archery gear. Since many bucks have dropped their antlers by January, hunters will inevitably harvest both female and male deer. A hunter can obtain two free deer management focus permits as well as the use of any tag not filled during the previous hunting seasons, including regular season, archery and muzzleloading tags, deer management permits and deer management assistance tags.
7. Conduct a youth big game firearms hunt over the 3 day Columbus Day weekend in the middle of the archery seasons. This is all the more reason to contact Governor Cuomo and ask him to sign
bill # A10583-A and #S7705-A, which will stop the DEC from placing a firearms hunt in the middle of the archery seasons! The DEC has received a substantial number of comments in opposition to this youth hunt for the following reasons:
(1) a youth hunt is unnecessary,
2) young hunters with firearms present an increased safety risk for bow hunters or small game hunters afield in camouflage,
(3) the youth hunt will affect bow hunting by altering deer behavior patterns,
(4) unscrupulous adults will illegally take deer during the youth season.
Let the Governor know that if the DEC wants to pursue a youth firearms hunt, it should be placed within the Regular firearms seasons, where it belongs, and not in the archery seasons.