Welcome to the Gang, lsa. You have come to the right place for answers. You will get plenty and you will have to sift thru them to find the right ones for you, including this one.
The first thing would be to find someone in your area to help you get started. The Grizzly is a fine bow, but not best suited for a 30" draw (have your new helper check that for you). With a long draw, something in the low 40's draw weight and around 62" would be good. Whatever bow you pick, you will have to shoot the arrows to see how they are going to work.
As for broadheads, you can use 2 or 3 blades as you wish. Both will do the job just fine with most any setup you get, just don't go too wide. The VPA Terminators/ Woodsmans/ Trailmakers would be a fine choice in 3 blades and with 2 blades the good options are many; Ace Grizzly, STOS, Magnus, Ecplise, etc. Sharpness and shot placement are the important things.
IMO, your arrow choice is more important than the bow. Spend as much as you can afford on your arrows and broadheads; buy the least expensive bow you can get by with. Used bows are by far the best choice for starting out.
Don't forget to have FUN!