Narrowing down the variables
I’m hoping someone can help me figure out why my accuracy has remained stagnant (at best) and even deteriorated on some days. I can’t seem to narrow my focus between tuning bows to arrows and form. Which thing do I do first?
My draw is 27.5”
I’m shooting a couple board bows, and a couple kit bamboo backed bows I made. They vary in length and weight- 48-58#. There’s nothing inherently wrong with any of the bows, except perhaps getting rests, brace heights, and strings dialed in.
I’m shooting 50-55 spined cedars, with 165gn points. I’ve ended up cutting some 31”, some 30” and some 29”, trying to get the tuning right. I found a 145 and 125 point for a couple arrows, but I don't see a difference when shooting.
At 15-20 yards, some shots I’m on the money, some I’m wide onto the backstop. About 50/50, and I’ve been stuck there for about a year. At less than 10 yards, I’m hitting inside a 9 pie plate most of the time. At over 20 I’m of in the sage brush 75%. Occasionally, I’ll be totally surprised at a shot that I was sure I’d be looking for the arrow until next spring.
I’ve messed around with string nock points, arrow test kits, point test kits, and paper tuning. I just can’t find a consistent arrow set up for any of the bows, or vice-versa.
I think that it could be, at least partially, a form issue. Additionally, I noticed on Sunday that the string lightly slaps my face on release while shooing the 58# (it has a really thick string). So maybe the form problem is a release issue. I shoot split, deep hook, and anchor with my thumb touching on my jawbone. My accuracy improved temporarily when I stopped putting the string in contact with my cheek, but then actually got worse. I lost my “reference point” where to anchor. If I try to go to pulling the string with less than a deep hook, I pull with my forearm and bicep. I have yet to video my form, but might just to see if something jumps out in comparison to the form clock. I can rig up a camera tonight if that’s where I should start.
This accuracy issue is prohibiting me from going from a bow shooter to a bow hunter. My plans for hunting season are toast now, but at the very least I’d like to start looking forward to next year, or maybe small game. I’ve read dozens or maybe hundreds of tuning and form posts. I’ve read the Trad. bowhunters handbook twice cover to cover. I’m doing something wrong, but can’t seem to make the right adjustment. I was at wits end 3 weeks ago.