Hi I am casjoker and I have a problem. I just started shooting traditional again and my old addiction is back. I got my son a Browning Wasp (23# 52") and have been shooting it for about two weeks and I can't put it down. I just bought a Browning Wasp 54# 56" of **** for myself. I thought it would be cool for the kid and I to have matching bows.
I am sure I'm like a lot of guys on here started shooting a recurve as a kid and as time grew short as adults with families and all I just shot a compound. Now my son is eight and shooting I have the excuse I need to spend the time practicing. I hope maybe to be grouping well enough to use it in a late season hunt here in TN.
Well just wanted to say hi to the support group and any input on whether I should just use the adult bow for practice or if it will be good for hunting appreciated.