Well everyone that says it shouldn't or can't be done says that materials today are much better including glue, but there seem to be an awlful lot of vintage bows still around shooting ff or dacron. Funny how you never hear about them delaminating at the rate bows 5 years old are.
As far as expert advice, I don't need to ask anyone to see any pics "caused" by ff because for everyone there is, there will be hundreds more that just happened while shooting the dacron. Kinda makes me believe it was just the bows time, regardless of string material. Besides, ff vibrates much less which has to be better for the bow as long as the tips are padded well.
As far as tips, several of the ff rated new bows I have just used left over riser material for the tips. I am not sure how they are any more or less durable than the micarti tips. Seems like we all have our opiniions but to suggest it isn't feasible should require more sciene than just because somone says so. Prove it ain't so and I'll eat crow. Until then, I'll stand my ground on this one. God Bless