I will second that bow tuning information.If you read,and I mean READ,OL's tuning information and follow it to the letter,you can get an arrow tuned in very short order.
Some very important points are:
1.Only make one change at a time.Nock point,point weight,shaft length,different type shaft,whatever,one thing at a time.Fix that issue,then move on.
2.Don't cut anything without verifying first with point weight.Changing point weights can tell you in seconds,exactly where you need to be.This can only be done if you have a variety of field point weights on hand.I wouldn't even start to bareshaft without a variety of points on hand.Points are way cheaper than shafts which you may screw up,experimenting with cutting.
Using OL's system,I can tune a set of arrows in minutes,just by changing point weight.If it is stiff,add point weight,25 grs at a time till it is right.If you want to change shaft length,get it tuned with point weight first and figure 1" of shaft length equals app. 25 grs of point weight.That is just a rough,rule of thumb.It will vary with each setup.
I draw 29" and like a 30" arrow,so I order my shaft precut to 30" and tune by point weight.Then I setup my broadhead to match.
At 30 1/2",those arrows should be too stiff with just a 125 gr head.Cutting them shorter only compounds the problem,meaning you need a much heavier point which I'm guessing-you don't have.
If you follow a very simple but systematic method like OL lays out,tuning is easy and can go very quickly.If you go in to it with no real direction,you can chase your tail from now until doomsday and never see good arrow flight.
If I were shooting a 45 # bow with a 30 1/2",.500 spine arrow,I would need app. a 175 gr point.You won't be the same,as you draw less.You may need more weight.If you want to cut them to 27",you probably need to start tuning with 225 grs and be prepared to go higher if you need to.
If I were you,I would:
1.Order some field point test kits.
2.Read OL's tuning method till you fully understand it.
3.Start with your full length arrows and find the point weight that they like before doing anything else.Forget canting the bow right now.Only change one thing at a time.