The day started with a false dawn, which is common this time of year. One minute the sky is black and full of stars, and then it was suddenly getting light and the stars were fading fast.
I set up in a favorable location along a small ridge of big oaks with a nice growth of Laurel on the north end. This is where I expected deer to move in from up the slope. Acorns and deer dropping were all around.
I was barely set and I could hear deer messing around below me. I was soon surrounded with no shot options. Too many eyes all around. One mistake was I ended up with sun in my face. I slightly tilted my head down so the brim of my hat would shade my eyes.
End of that morning! One of them saw me, and they were off through the thick snorting and blowing.
My hunting partner had one of the deer come right in with a close quatering away shot. Too many little branches in the way. No shot.
Started to warm up quick, so we got up and made note of a few things on the way out.
Thanks for letting me share.