Last night I went out and strapped some old deer skulls I had laying around to my targets to do a bit of penetration and broadhead integrity testing. I tested two heads on the exact same shaft. The heads were a 175 grain VPA Terminator and a 200 grain Grizzly broadhead. Both broadheads were razor sharp and mounted perfectly on the shafts. Arrow flight with both heads was optimal. On every shot that got a solid hit the 3 blade penetrated just as far and farther sometimes than the Grizzly. Unfortunately I was not able to do much testing with the grizzly as on the second shot the head bent deep into the ferrule. The VPA head is resharpend and spun true after 12 shots directly into the bone. Neither head seemed to have much of an advantage over another on a glancing blow as far as skip angle. Please keep in mind that this was just one test. I am not taking anything away from the grizzlies this is just an observation noted from one test. I hope I can do some more testing later this year on some leg bones with both types of heads.