Interesting. Couple of observations from here - Deer water every day - not saying feed couldn't lessen the amount needed - but these are deer not antelope (talking african antelope here that can go some time without direct water intake)
Deer drink from seeps and small creeks and even puddles. They hate open water like ponds and rivers and only use these during drought conditions. Where I live we hit a period each summer where creeks dry up completely - no puddles - and this is when deer change their preferred cover and show up around ponds - as soon as it rains they vanish.
Im thinking deer may drink at night as a rule - meaning most of the time - and I only say that because after a lifetime of hunting and onbserving and studying whitetails I have only seen a handful actually drinking!?
no kidding I have seen deer actually breeding in the wild more than I have seen deer drinking water.
Compare that to only days - only 40 (+) hunting mule deer and I have seen hundreds drinking water.
Cameras bring a new approach of observation to this study and I look forward to the info to come.