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Author Topic: Oregon Elk Encounters 2012  (Read 1509 times)

Offline eflanders

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Re: Oregon Elk Encounters 2012
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2012, 12:03:00 AM »
As the bull hung up about 70 yards from Dave, I knew I had to do something to get the big bull to come in closer.  But as I said before, I am not a good bugler. I am so bad at it that I just didn't even bother to carry it with me as I hunted with Dave.  At this time, I really, really wished I would have had my bugle call with me.  It was just the thing that I thought would encourage the bull to come closer to me and within range of Dave.

With no bugle call, I decided to try something else.  I grabbed a heavy stick and began to rake one of the evergreen trees nearby me.  I was very careful to not show myself to the bull, but also very certain to show him the movement and sound of me raking the tree.  Without hesitation the big bull turned my way and began to make a slow but deliberate move towards me. It was Raspy!  The old bull moved to within 22 yards from Dave now and stopped.  I was straining to hear the shot from his bow but didn't hear a thing.  All of a sudden the bull turned away from us and moved just about a 100 yards away from Dave.  I continued to make cow calls and the old bull hung around but cautiously stayed well out of range.  We talked seductively to one another for another ten minutes before "Ol Raspy" decided enough was enough and headed well away from us.

After Raspy departed, I went over to Dave to ask him where his shot went.  Dave then told me that he never even took a shot.  Ol' Raspy was smart enough to always make sure his vitals were covered every time he stopped.  Dave had injured a few other bulls when shooting at a moving target previously and he definately didn't want to repeat his past errors.  Despite not shooting, we both were so excited, so happy and so fulfilled at getting such a close encounter with the infamous Raspy it is just difficult to put into words.  Let's just say we were both smiling inside like the kid that won the Willy Wonka chocolate bar contest.

Offline eflanders

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Re: Oregon Elk Encounters 2012
« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2012, 12:23:00 AM »
That evening Dave just couldn't wait to share our experience with the others. But Dave had to wait because my other buddy had an encounter of his own and this one was fatal.  

As it turns out that day was a magical day for almost everyone in camp.  A total of 9 bulls were sighted that day.  6 shots were taken by 5 different shooters but only one found it's mark.  My buddy Dan had connected on a nice 5X5 bull and he needed all of our help in getting him out.  The bull was miles from camp and hundreds of yards from the nearest primitive road. Once again, everyone offered to assist and we all piled into the trucks and headed towards the downed bull.  Armed with a chainsaw, several 4 wheel drive trucks and our butchering saws, we sought out the best way to retrieve the bull.

The bull was quickly located thanks to Dan marking the elusive location on his GPS.  Together we all determined that it would be best to just quarter the bull and pack it out to the trucks and we quickly all did our part.  

Once again we all headed back to camp and the stories began to flow and spirits were high.  Not surprisingly, Dave just couldn't wait to tell everyone of our experience.  Once again, we all went to sleep that night with renewed spirits and new dreams of big bulls!


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Re: Oregon Elk Encounters 2012
« Reply #22 on: September 27, 2012, 10:59:00 AM »
Yup.... the last week of the Oregon season the bulls were really going off this year.... What a rush!

Great story!

Offline eflanders

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Re: Oregon Elk Encounters 2012
« Reply #23 on: September 27, 2012, 07:12:00 PM »
Well for all of those asking where in OR we were hunting, I am only allowed to say that we were near Fossil, OR.

Now for all of you that are thinking that this was a great experience, it was!  I personally had never huted here before and I don'tthink I will be returning there again as I want to hunt in Montana and/or Colorado for the next few years. Hunting elk in the high country is extremely addictive and I will continue to do so for as long as I possibly can but I also plan to try to get in a bear hunt and a carabou hunt in fairly soon to complete my personal hunting "bucket list".

Online Hawkeye

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Re: Oregon Elk Encounters 2012
« Reply #24 on: September 28, 2012, 01:25:00 AM »

I'm so glad your health permitted you to make the hunt.  I'm sure it was a physical challenge, but it sounds like you did GREAT!  Congrats on a good hunt, and best wishes on your plans for next year.

Daryl Harding
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose."  Jim Elliot

Traditional bowhunting is often a game of seconds... and inches!

Offline Over&Under

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Re: Oregon Elk Encounters 2012
« Reply #25 on: September 28, 2012, 01:32:00 AM »
Sooooo...what happened next?  :)
Great hunt so far!
“Elk (add hogs to the list) are not hard to hit....they're just easy to miss"          :)

Offline wapitirod

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Re: Oregon Elk Encounters 2012
« Reply #26 on: September 28, 2012, 02:51:00 AM »
sounds like you had a blast and I am familiar with the area around an in the fossil area.  If I'm not in the coast range chasing rosies I'm just a bit south east of there although there are 16 units I've hunted in OR so it just depends on where I feel like going at the time.  Like you just being out in God's country and seeing animals is reward enough in it's own and taking an animal is just icing on the cake.  I love seeing new country which is why I've hunted so many areas.  I hope some day you do make it back out here but if not good luck on the rest of your "bucket list".
89' Brackenbury Drifter 72# @28
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I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.- John Wayne

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