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Author Topic: doe on tail cam (video) by my ground blind  (Read 369 times)

Offline adkmountainken

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doe on tail cam (video) by my ground blind
« on: September 27, 2012, 09:21:00 PM »
this is why i am leery of using a trail camera by where i hunt. this trail cam is just in front of a ground blind and as you can see this doe does not like it one bit.  who does NOT put a trail camera by where they are going to set up?
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Offline Cookus

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Re: doe on tail cam (video) by my ground blind
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2012, 10:26:00 PM »
I don't use a trail cam... The tracks and sign around my stand tell the tale for this hillbilly! I hunt for meat... Not horns! Antlers are welcomed if they show up but, deer meat is deer meat and my family is healthier for the good Lord's providence!
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Offline huskyarcher

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Re: doe on tail cam (video) by my ground blind
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2012, 10:46:00 PM »
I see a deer being a deer! I have never had a camera bother them one bit, or even heard of them bothering them. Does around my parts act like that all the time!
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Offline Fletcher

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Re: doe on tail cam (video) by my ground blind
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2012, 10:50:00 PM »
She looks curious and is smelling for something, but she never spooks.  I think she will be back.

I don't use trail cameras either.  I like the surprise of what comes by.
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Offline JimB

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Re: doe on tail cam (video) by my ground blind
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2012, 11:13:00 PM »
I saw a video recently where they studied this very thing with video.They found that most does got nervous when they saw the camera and most bucks,from yearling on up,actually spooked.They determined it was the sight and later smell of the camera that the deer reacted to.

They experimented with moving the camera to about 6' high and that just about eliminated the problem.

They had less spooking around food plots,possibly because the deer were there frequently and may have gotten used to the cameras.

It was a well done and interesting piece.Called "Trail Cameras:What You've Been Missing".

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