So, the story started when I first started shooting trad about 7 months ago. I talked to my uncle, the only person I knew that shot tradition and who happened to shoot a recurve, and he told me to get a recurve for my first trad bow. Okay. Did that and then I wanted a longbow. Something about the D shape called to me.
I got the money and wanted one of Wes Wallace's bow, as I was already shooting one of his recurves. I happened to be going to Oregon in may so I set up a meeting with him to try out his other bows. Shot the longbow and the recurve and I just shot the recurve better, so I changed my order to a new recurve. It's going to be sweet, will post pics later this month when it shows up.
Well, as time went on I still wanted that longbow even though I knew I was better with a recurve even though that's really all I'd ever shot. Managed to get the money together after selling some extra stuff and got ahold of Wes to see if he had any longbows that were laying around so I didn't have to wait another 6 months . Sure enough he did.
I got it in the mail on Friday, just as I was leaving for school. Didn't even get a chance to open it. Then after I got home I had just enough time to open it and look at it before I left to go hunting. Got back Saturday and was able to shoot it some. I don't shoot it as well as my recurve yet, but I had some good groups at 10-15 yards. Hopefully will extend that range soon enough. Still getting used to how light the bow is! Not sure if I want to put a quiver on it since its so good looking!
Sorry to be so long winded! Here are some specs and pics. 1 piece 64" 56#@28" (I draw around 30.5", so maybe 63#ish?) Zebrawood riser, bamboo limb-core, w/ zebrawood veneers, and like all of Wes's longbows, antler tips.
Here are the pics, hopefully they aren't too big.