I am shooting a BW CHX 51lbs @ 28". I am pulling around 26.5". I just put on a new string from SBD and I am now trying to tune some new arrows. I used Adcock's method and the felt good with some Heritage 250's with 200 grains up front. I was knock high but I have never been able to get my arrow perfectly flat. After fletching up my arrows I was seeing strange flight and wasn't sure if it was just the lighting and it did change with the sun at different spots.
I went to a range Saturday and shot through some paper and was knock high but felt like my spine was right. There was one other trad guy there and I asked if he would watch my arrows fly at longer range and he agreed that there was considerable proposing up and down. He had never shot a bare shaft and tunes his arrows fletched. We played around with weights and ended up dropping down from 250 to 135 grains up front. This produced a very flat arrow and I liked the way it shot.
I got home tonight and only had a few minutes but I shot a few more arrows. I had some unfletched 250's cut and shot them with 135 grains and they were showing heavy and knock high. With my original set up I was back to proper spine and knock high. Shooting the fletched arrows with 135 grain heads flight looked good and 250 I got the porpoising again.
I forgot to mention I have played with brace height and have it set at 9". Played with knock point and its set at about 1/2". I lowered all the way to zero and it was knock left and high. Above 1/2" I was getting even more drastic knock high. I also have some 150's but they are almost too short cut at 26.75". I will try and shoot those with the lighter head and see what they do.
Questions: Does any of this make sense? Should I just shoot the 135 grain heads because they looked the best even though I am pretty sure they are over spined? What else could I do?