Originally posted by ddauler:
When you quit feeling like you are 10 when you get close to a deer with your bow of choice in hand find something else to do! Hang in there it happens to all of us some just seldom admit it. You will close the deal if you stay after them.
Without being there to watch you its tough to help from here. But you have a HUGE advantage, you are seeing lots of deer. Many guys only see a few at most and dont get the sheer experience you are getting at having deer close.
A couple of things to try:
Since you do see quite a bit, make a mental decision not to put an arrow on the shelf. When a deer comes by, don't look at the whole animal, pick the spot instantly, even if its far away. Try and watch for this spot all the way in. When its close enough for a shot, draw back(no arrow) and lazer in on that spot, draw and hold at your full anchor. Keep it on the deer as long as you can. If it spooks, big deal. You have plenty of deer out there. But you have to learn to handle this. And you can.
Full draw is essential.
Do it on tv all the time watching hunting shows. Draw your bow and hold on that spot as long as you can.
Frustration is not fun. Try and prioritize this OVERshooting a deer for now, and you will enjoy yourself much more in the very near future.