My wife and I have been using the larger one for a couple of years. For long sits out hunting or camping or just about anywhere it is the most versatile and comfortable outdoor chair. We are in our 60s and we hunt about a mile in, to make the carry easier, we put ours in a Duluth number 3 canoe pack with the seat pad used as a back pad inside the pack; then to keep everything in place we have a strap cinched around the pack. If one were to carry it in its original bag long distances, it is easiest to use the strap on the bag as a tump strap. That is put the strap across the head at the hairline and tuck your chin down a little. I carry 80 pound food packs across long portages in Canada on canoe trips this way, it is the best way as it puts the weight across your skeletal support in stead of just baring the entire load on your shoulders. the ten pounds of the Huntmore chair when carried in this tump fashion is nothing compared to the canoe pack weights. The reason we use the Dulth packs is simply that the original bag is a tight fit. If I were to change anything about the original chair, I would put it in a slightly larger bag that had two cinch straps that would hold everything in place.