OK, I'll join as my first Bear laminated glass bow was in '63 or '64. Never could afford the higher-end models back then.
I used a Baker knock-off stand (Big Buck) for years. Twice it fell off my feet and clattered to the ground. I used a climbing strap, just let it go, shimmied down and shimmied back up with it. Finally got rid of it last year. But I did at least always have a climbing strap looped over my wrists. 56 years old, I still use it (though with a climbing harness attached + a Summit Prussik knot thing, too).
Jobs? My first one paid $1.08/hour. My fondest memory regarding the relationship between work + income was in Albuquerque. I was an apprentice painter on a large crew. I eventually replaced Carlitos, who was the only lazy one on the crew. I was making $2.25 an hour, paying child support, paying rent, and basically starving while working my tail off. I finally got up the courage to ask my boss, Pablo, for a raise to somewhere near the $3.50+ Carlitos was making. He said "Well, you are doing a good job. Tell you what, I'll give you 10 cents an hour more now, and if it works out, 5 cents on top of that in six months." After taxes, that bought me about one six pack of beer a week and a sack of potatoes. Good thing potatoes were cheap, one week that's all I ate, every meal.
I finally moved back to MI and after much work found my first "good job": $525 a month!! I was so happy to have work I didn't even ask what I was being paid, found out with the first paycheck.
But I'm not sure times have changed, just the prices. Ask guys making minimum wage now, probably seems about the same.