A week and a half ago or so I posted that I was on my way to Ohio for my first out of state deer hunt in 15 years.....I hate to leave people hanging, so here is a quick update of how things went.
I went with a friend that shoots wheels, but we hunt the same so there were no issues there. We got to our hunt area, Zaleski State Forest on Sunday the 11th in time for a quick hour and a half hunt. I was fortunate enough to see a couple of does. Monday was a complete rainout, though it did allow us time to scout and hang stands. (I did meet up with rick7 from TG who bought a bow I had listed on the classifieds! It was great to meet and talk with him a bit, this place is great for things like that).
We began our hunt in earnest on Monday, pretty much hunting dawn to dusk each day. We saw very little rutting activity, though we were seeing deer. I passed on a 90" 8 point that first morning at 13 yards, and another day saw a spike with 14-15" spikes that went straight up, then the tips curled in like an antelopes horns. I almost shot him just because he was so cool looking.
Fast forward to Friday, when my friend and I decided to pull stands after our morning hunt and try another area of the property. He knew where he was going as he has hunted there before, so I took another ridge to explore. This was at about 1pm. I didn't like what I saw, and spent the next 2 1/2 hours looking for a place to hunt that afternoon. I finally got set up at the bottom of a finger ridge where two other fingers and creek bottoms met, it was now 4 pm. I was frustrated by taking so long, was sweaty and not in a good mood. I also did something I never do. In my haste to get clothes on I forgot to put my harness on over my inner layers, not wanting to go through the whole process again I got lazy and put the harness on over my outer jacket. BIG, BIG MISTAKE.
As I was sitting there at 5:15 I heard a deer walking on the adjacent ridge, then I saw him as he stepped into the open. Big deer! I got my binoculars on him, this was the biggest deer I had ever seen alive in the woods, 160" if he was an inch. He continued down the finger ridge as I stood, then halfway down the ridge he began to run straight at me! I wasn't excited or nervous, in fact I was remarkably calm as I prepared for the shot I knew was coming. His current path would take him right into the creek bottom, then onto a trail that passed by my treet at 12 yards. As he hit the edge of the creek, 35-40 yards away, I reached for my bow, turning to my left and then back to my right to watch the deer.
CLINK.......a buckle on my harness nicked the side of the stand......the buck stopped, not moving for a minute. Then he simply turned, took one bound back the way he came and just simply walked off, out of my life. I was devastated....and stayed that way for the rest of the night. The sight of that deer coming to me, and preparing for the shot is something I will never forget....
Next morning was our last day and I was back in the same stand for a dawn to dusk sit. I saw four deer that day, and passed a broadside shot at a 100" 8 point, but the big buck never showed.
Lesson???? DO NOT GET LAZY, if you are going to hunt, hunt right or dont hunt at all.
All in all I had a great trip, I saw deer and had two legitamate shot opportunities, and saw the biggest deer I had ever seen.
I would do it again in a heartbeat, and hope to in the next couple of years, certainly it won't take 15 years to do it again.