If you order new arrow get them long and cut them down as you tune. Carbon can really change a lot with length. Then you can get what you want worked out for head weight.
Could just be me, but I find that a standard insert and 200 gr. point is not the same as a 125 gr. point and 100 gr. insert. The total weight is close, but I find moving the weight back down the shaft length vs. out hanging on the end makes for a different tune. Moving the weight back stiffens them up some.
I have been playing with a PCH about 50 at a little more than 29”. I am shooting a stiffer longer shaft, but working with about the same point and insert weights. I have it tuned with standard insert and 200 gr. point. Just getting ready to switch back to the 100 inserts. Before I went to standard inserts, I was kind of close with 100 gr. insert and 145 point. 125 point was too stiff. Going to play some more to see if I can get 150 or 175 to work because I like my VPA’s at that weight.