Well to not drag this out , I went in that morning to check the trail camera pics and no bucks came by that night, not looking good!
John dropped me off that afternoon to sit in the blind , a little drippy that afternoon, I like this as it covers some noise, as long as the wind stays down a good day for deer to be cruising.
As we approached the area my blind was in we noticed a new scrape not far from the blind , boy that got me excited.
Pretty slow that afternoon, a few does passed by but didnt stay around for long , still no sign of a buck. I had 5 does in front of the blind , boy did I shoot a bunch of shots in my mind as the does turned different angles offering just about every shot a guy could ask for, suddenly all five does perked up , looking to my right and behind me off in the woods, I knew something was on its way in, I was pretty sure by the way the deer were acting that it was a buck.
Sure enough, I could see legs crossing the small slit in the window to my right and the buck appeared , it was the crooked antler buck I had said that I hope I got a shot at as I love the twisted narly looking blacktail antlers you see so often.
He was focused on one of the does as he chased her back and forth ,stopping from time to time to pose , hoping to entice her to stop running around, nows my chance, I drew back and let my arrow fly only to see it pass harmlessly about an inch over his back , right in line with his chest.
I couldnt believe that I had missed, over his back just like John had warned me, then the shakes set in , adrenaline at its best.
I managed another arrow out of my quiver as quickly and quietly as I could and sat in disbelief that after all that I had missed!
As I sat the listening to the rain dripping off the trees and onto the top of the ground blind I noticed movement to my left, thats right , a couple of does were headed back this way , and can you believe it , so was the buck, he was so focused on the doe he didnt care about anything else, the problem was however the doe would not stop going around and around the four big trees in front of me as the others just kept watching and snacking on bits here and there.
I didnt think I would ever get another shot as he trailed her out of sight, then suddenly she turned back toward me , only this time closer , I knew this would bring the buck closer as well, she paused , he paused to match and my arrow was off, this time I didnt miss and the Treeshark did its job. Funny I wasnt shaking quite as bad this time , but it was still there.