I've been using the 2 orange handled knives for 3 years now. The smaller was my first idea, the larger of the 2 I built after using the smaller to dress, skin & bone out a few critters. Once I had a little user experience I figured out what I did & didn't like. I now use both equally, but for different tasks. The little one has a 2¾" blade & 3" handle & I pretty much use it for running the initial cut up the belly of the animal through field dressing. After that, the larger takes over as my go to skinning, quartering & boning blade. It has a 4¼" blade with a fairly long handle at 4¼" but I find it to be a little more versatile.
I've also discovered that I prefer a slick, shiny grip. I find it to be a huge advantage to be able to easily manipulate the direction of the cutting edge, especially whilst butchering.
I've completely butchered 17 deer last year & a further 22 this year using only this knife (I do a lot of processing for friends!)