I have 3 different brands of strap on quivers. Two are dead quiet. I love this great northern strap on adjustable quiver but it is noisy. Have had it a while but just don't use it anymore because it is noisy. I have tried with straps that came on it and also put on new straps, adjusted the length of the quiver no difference, tried with arrows in the quiver and without arrows, I even put some electrical tape wraps around the adjustable area where the 2 rubber pieces keep the 2 adjustable bars secure, I even added 2 new rubber pieces. Checked the inside of the hood to see if where the broadheads go could be loose. I have tried everything I can think of. My two other quivers are dead quiet when I put them on my bow. Any help?? I know this is a great quiver but something has to be wrong.