I guess I'll never really know what it takes to put a bowyer on the most wanted list. You know how there are a number of them out there who seem to struggle to keep orders filled and some who must work elsewhere to suppliment their income. It's interesting because I see so much talent yet something seems to suppress some bowyers from gaining a foothold. For example take Centaurs waiting list it seems always backed up. Yes, Jim makes a wonderful bow but what got him there? Was it style, wood selection, finish, shootability,word of mouth, time, or a combo of all above. I guess what brings this up is I've owned one of Chad's bows for some time now and shoot it as well as any bow but maybe no better. I got it second hand and love to grab it and get out and shoot. I wouldn't say Chad's design is super unique but it is a beautiful, functional design and seems anyone would be proud to own one. So what will put a man like him on the most wanted list? Will it be several more years of Tradgangers posting pics and comments to boost his or other's sales? Have any of you ever wondered why some bows just dont seem to get the recognition you think they deserve?