Finally - a topic I know something about!
I didn't see the original poster specify pointing dog or flushing dog, but I am going to make some recommendations assuming pointing dog:
First, if you haven't done so already, try to find a NAVHDA chapter local to you (NAVHDA = North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association). To train a dog for grouse, you need simply need to start with training a hunting dog, and that is where NAVHDA comes in. You can learn a ton from attending training days with other members, and accomplish a lot more with multiple people helping. In order to hunt any upland bird, with a bow, I would recommend training your dog to be steady (wing, shot fall and retrieve). This is especially important if you are using broadheads as you don't want to risk the dog getting injured while running or retrieving when a broadhead is around.
As for books, NAVHDA has what they call "The Green Book", which is a basic training manual. Its been around for a while, and is very good. There is one better, though, in my opinion. It is called "The Orange Book" or "Training the Versatile Dog" by the American Hunting Dog Club. Its methods are very similar to NAVHDA's, it is just the book goes into better detail. Neither address e-collars, as that is not something to learn from a book, but rather from someone experienced in how to condition a dog to them and train with them.
Any other questions, just ask. I apologize if you have or are leaning towards a flushing dog. I can't help quite as much with those.
Merry Christmas!