Lately I've been using 125 grain steel blunts with the regular three 5" shield cut feathers. Plus, this is the same set-up that I use at the range (Our hay bales are really worn out -- all the shots with field points fly through with no resistance). Tried the 125 grain hard rubber/plastic blunts, but they made my shots erratic. I'm guessing the bad aerodynamics are throwing my shots off? Anyone else experience this?
Recently got some flu flus for limbed squirrels (six 4"), but they were making my arrows fly stiff. Put some 145 grain steel blunts on, and will take them out for a spin on Monday -- no hunting in Virginia on Sundays :/
On side note, one of the guys at the range gave me some home made blunts -- a wing nut and a screw. Flies great! Haven't tried small game with it yet, but I imagine it would do the job. Plus, the arms of the wingnut act like a Judo point in the grass/brush.
You guys with the tracers - do they slow the arrow down, or are they just there to make the arrow easier to find? With the name 'tracers" I always assumed it made the arrow easier to see in flight. Never used one, nor seen one in action. Thanks!